How We Fear God’s Love
God has been trying to get one message through to us for our entire lives, L-O-V-E in great big skywriting with the bass pumped up and the speakers on full blast, and we’re so off in our own worlds we never hear this glorious music made of God’s love that forms the very substance of every breath we breathe.
Joseph was in this very situation in our lesson from Genesis today.
He has been through a lot with his brothers.
They were his heroes when he was a little boy running around the sheepfolds.
Then he started to dream.
In his innocence he couldn’t understand why they became angry when he told them his visions of sheaves of grain and the sun, moon, and stars.
His childhood ended the day they left him to die in a pit in the desert and then sold him into slavery with the Ishmaelites.
He started to build a life for himself in Potiphar’s household but then it all came crashing down through no fault of his own and he found himself locked away in jail for two years.
This time he wasn’t the one dreaming. Continue reading