All Saints: The Rhythms of Grief
See the Episcopal Digital Network’s Sermons That Work for my All Saints Day sermon, The Rhythms of Grief.
See the Episcopal Digital Network’s Sermons That Work for my All Saints Day sermon, The Rhythms of Grief.
There is something magical about the Feast of All Saints. It’s mystical and serene and joyful and reflective.
But unfortunately I’m going to have to cut through the clouds of mental incense here for a minute and talk about…wait for it…doctrine.
Doctrine is frankly the last thing I want to talk about at the worst of times, much less on such a beautiful, mysterious day as All Saints Day.
But mystery is the key here. We want to have informed mystery. We want to have mystery because that is the nature of an ineffable God and an afterlife beyond our imaginings.
We do not want to have mystery simply because we are ignorant and have not done our homework.
If we’re going to celebrate All Saints Day, we need to talk about what saints are and why they get their own day all at once. Continue reading