The Pharisees’ Dwight Freeney Complex
Jesus is just in no mood to be trifled with in this Gospel.
He is a busy man and he does not have time to fool with a bunch of sneaky Pharisees who have a bad attitude.
You can just feel his frustration when he says, “Why are you putting me to the test, you hypocrites?”
The Pharisees are a bunch of grown men, and more than that, they are religious professionals who presumably have duties to which they are supposed to be attending.
And yet they find time in their busy schedule to waylay Jesus in the street, an upstart rabble rouser who they’re really not supposed to be acknowledging, and try to trip him up verbally into either alienating his supporters or being arrested by the Romans.
It would be like if Dwight Freeney, all-star defensive end formerly of the Indianapolis Colts, saw a high school freshman quarterback at the mall and tried to sack him.
It’s overkill, it’s inappropriate and it’s just tacky. Continue reading